MCB stands for miniature circuit breaker. A MCB is an electrical switch that is automatically controlled to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from overload or short circuiting. A Miniature circuit breaker uses low voltage and less power requirements such as home wirings or small circuits. The MCB operates in such manner that it cannot adjust trip characteristics. Generally, instead of utilizing a fuse an MCB is used. The amount of electricity is increased in the wire when electricity is passed through the circuit breaker, it turns off and the circuit gets broken. That way a miniature breaker is automatically controlled. It is more responsive to electric current than a particular fuse. In case of this type, the error in the circuit can be easily traced. Of course, there is one demerit for this, it is a bit expensive than usage of fuse. The miniature circuits manufactured by SE; India are one of its class. SE manufactures best MCB driven by latest technologies so that it caters to needs of industrial use to a maximum extent.